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A Series: How Much Will it Cost to Renovate or Remodel my Office? A Deeper Dive into Furniture

Office furniture has a huge impact on not only the aesthetics of the space but also how employees work and interact with each other. The proper furniture solution can enhance creativity, collaboration, efficiency, and employee satisfaction.

There are several options to consider when refreshing the furniture in your office as you renovate or remodel. Below are various ways of investing in an upgrade, and each has varying levels of cost.

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Reuse What You Have

When the furniture you have is in great condition, but the setup is outdated, a great way to implement cost savings is to use what you can from your existing inventory. Often businesses can reuse what they have, whether it is the panels that create separation or the components within workstations to achieve a new desired setup.

Sometimes the components within the workstation need to be adjusted to support different work styles or better productivity. Removing stationary tops to implement height-adjustable tables or removing files for paperless environments can freshen up the workspace.

It is possible that the components within a workspace fit the job, but more collaboration or more workstations are needed. To achieve this, some panels allow for height adjustability by simply removing modular parts. Panels can also be removed or reconfigured to accommodate additional workstations or a different layout. On some panel systems, skins can also be removed and replaced in order to freshen up aesthetics or correspond with new branding initiatives.

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Buy Used or Refurbished

Whether furnishing a new space or freshening up an existing office, sometimes buying new furniture is out of budget. There are often options to buy used furniture that will give you exactly what you need to create a functional environment.

With the needs of companies constantly changing, especially in today’s world, those that can buy new have no need for their used furniture but placing it in a landfill is the least desirable option. Often, they turn their furniture over to vendors who can refurbish the components and sell them at a fraction of the cost. Other times, larger companies will provide used furniture to non-profits as a charitable donation. What might be outdated for one company may fulfill the needs of another.

For a 5,000 to 30,000 square foot office space, you can plan to spend between $10 and $15 per square foot on your used/refurbished furniture solution. A space with mostly workstations would be at the lower end of the range and a space with more lounge or specialty furniture would be at the higher end.


Adding furniture to a space is not always a permanent need, so buying new may not make sense in these situations. It is possible that furniture is not available immediately and companies need to lease furniture for a period of time, for example, during a mass hiring event or until a large renovation is complete.

In these scenarios, you can reach out to furniture dealers or other businesses that rent or lease furniture. This allows employers to provide associates with an immediate but temporary need before finding or installing the perfect solution.

In the short term, leasing can be more economical than purchasing new or used furniture. However, the lifetime cost and tax implications must be considered when assuming a long-term lease.

Buy New

Whether implementing furniture for a whole office or a space within an office, the sky is the limit when considering new furniture. There are endless choices, large cost ranges, and the ability to find the perfect solution for your space. It is best to develop a plan of what you are looking to achieve and what your needs versus wants are when it comes to new furniture. This will be useful in narrowing down options and allow dealerships or owner’s reps to direct you to the best solution.

The cost to purchase new furniture can range from $25 to $30 per square foot for a 5,000 to 30,000 square foot office space. Again, this depends on the type and manufacturer selection.

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Final Thoughts

It is best to work with a furniture dealership or owner’s rep to help understand your environmental needs when exploring furniture for your office. These professionals can help direct you to the best solution for your needs, whether that be reusing what you have, leasing, buying used/refurbished, or buying new.

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